Jamie de la Mythbusters, ne recomanda Ubuntu
Written by mv on 1/29/2008 07:16:00 p.m.Windows are "Safe mode", un mod mult mai rapid inradevar dar nu poate fi folosit pentru orice; eu as vrea un "basic mode" in care sa fie dezactivate mai mute optiuni (Safe mode +). da, poti sa faci asta incepand sa dai disable la servicii, dar nu toata lumea site ce sa dezactiveze si cum sa o faca......bleah...Jamie ne recomanda Ubuntu, vi-l recomand si eu, il testez de 1 saptamana, am instalat beryl si jos palaria.
2 lucruri am observat pe ubuntu:
- pe windows daca folosesti opera si incerci sa o inchizi, procesul nu se inchde imidiat, ci dupa vreo 20 secunde; pe ubuntu se inchide in 3 secunde.
- pe windows daca deschizi winamp se deschide in 4,5,6,7 secunde; pe ubuntu xmms se deschide in mai putin de 2 secunde.
- my pc 2.4Ghz/768RAM
Most features can be set up as options. Why not start with a computer loaded with basic stuff that works 100 percent of the time? Then, give us the option of adding the bells and whistles. There's another solution available to consumers: Switch to a Linux-based OS such as Ubuntu. Since most Linux OSs are free, there's no business reason to bloat up the system with feature frills.
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