A murit Michael Jackson
Written by mv on 6/26/2009 09:29:00 p.m.
Starul pop Michael Jackson a murit vineri dimineaţa, ora României, după ce a fost spitalizat la Los Angeles, în urma unui stop cardiac, informează presa internaţională.
Celebrul cântăreţ, care a devenit faimos încă de când era copil şi a încântat generaţii întregi cu muzica sa exuberantă şi mişcările sale de dans, a murit după ce a făcut un stop cardiac, fiind apoi transportat la un spital din Los Angeles, informează Reuters, citând Los Angeles Times. Jackson avea 50 de ani
Via mediafax
Nici nu i s-a racit coprpul bine , si deja au aparut si Bancuri si glume cu Micheal Jackson .
- Farrah Fawcett arrives at the pearly gates and Saint Peter Grants her one wish, so she thinks for a minute and says "I wish all the children in the world to be safe".
The next day Micheal Jackson dies from heart attack. - Michael Jackson will be melted down into plastic, fitted into a new Playstation so kids still play with him
- RIP (Really Important Pedofile?)
- Oh suuure. Rich white lady dies of a heart attack and the media is all over it. What if this was a black man?
- Apparently he died of food poisoning after eating a 9-year old wiener.
- I wonder if they took him to Children’s Hospital…
- Everyone hold your crotch for a moment of silence.
- Since Michael Jackson’s 99% plastic it’s been decided that he’ll be recycled into Lego bricks. So children can play with him for a change.
- Glad I didn’t die today. Too much competition.
via zoso
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